Why Join and Fees
- Nice Aircraft To Fly
- Professional Instruction
- Affordable Tows
- Great Flying
- Comraderie
- Adventures Galore
- And, if you look closely, You Might Even See Stew Towing
Nevada Soaring Association is a glider club that encourages and trains individuals to explore and expand their limits while practicing the art of safe soaring. NSA is located at the Air Sailing Gliderport in Warm Springs Valley north of Reno, Nevada.
Contact one of the following NSA officials to find out more. They should be able to answer any questions. The club officers and instructors will help you set up a customized training and/or checkout program with a path to membership into our club. Your membership application must be endorsed by a club officer, and you must complete a local area checkout or cleared for solo flight to join NSA for the first time. Then, when you have met the insurance requirements, you will be cleared to fly as a PIC in one or several of our aircraft.
Gene Benson – President – personal phone 831-345-6104
Charles Thaeler – Treasurer – personal phone 415-328-6760
NSA Application and New Member Checklist
Insurance requirements
NSA Release & Waiver Agreement
ASI Waiver
A chapter of the Soaring Society of America (membership required)
Cost Summary
To join there is a one time fee and annual dues
One Time Fee Categories
Regular: $250
Family (additional per person): $125
Glider Owner: $125
Student (College & High School): $50
Military (Active/Guard/Reserve): $125
2025 Annual Dues:
$550 per year, $450 if paid before February 1st.
Additional family member under 18 dues are $200
Aircraft Fees
Instructional Flights
$5 per instructional flight. Must be with an NSA approved instructor.
Non-Instructional flights
$20 per day or part there of for non-instructional flights.
If, after a member has completed non-instructional flying for the day, another member takes the glider this incurs a separate charge to that new pilot. If the paying member is flying a 2 place glider they may make flights with as many passengers as they wish.
Rates subject to change without notice.
Oxygen is free to NSA members.
For non-NSA members a partial fill-up (to 1200 psi) is $10, above 1200 psi is $15.
NOTE: we can only fill to the highest cylinder in our cascade. You may not get 2000 psi
Rates subject to change without notice.
Send checks to: NSA
Nevada Soaring Association
PO Box 20181
Reno, NV 89515-0181
Zelle (preferred): treasurer@nevadasoaring.com
PayPal: nsasoaring@gmail.com
Please add 3% to account for PayPal fees