Pasco Egg
- PASCO Egg at home.
- Stoney proud of Egg
- Egg crazy
- Lee “Black Hawk” Edling and Bob “Chukar” Spielman captureing PASCO Egg
From Fred LaSor on rec.aviation.soaring
Rob Stone (Stoney) captured the PASCO egg from its winter hibernation
in the SoaringNV hangar today, February 23, 2009, after a wave flight
in his 1-26. Stoney towed out of Air Sailing into good wave and flew
a 300 km course before landing at Minden late in the afternoon to more
than meet the distance requirements and claim the egg.
The egg had resided in the SoaringNV hangar since it was captured from
Soar Truckee by Mike Mitton last fall. This is the first capture of
2009, but certainly not the last as the soaring season is just kicking
off in northern California and Nevada. Region 11 pilots are invited
to set their sights on Air Sailing, just north of Reno, if they want
to capture the revolving trophy and add their name to the list of
successful pilots who have flown at least 100 kms to bring the egg
back to their home club or FBO.
The folks at SoaringNV are sorry the egg will no longer grace their
hangar, but want to congratulate Stoney for his superb 1-26 flight.
Learn about the egg and the rules here. And it’s history here
ON July 18 2009 Peter Kelly captured the egg from ASI and returned it to Williams California.
Read his story Here
ON September 11 2009 Lee Edling heroically re-captured the Egg for ASI from Williams California
Here is Lee’s story.
Release was on the eastern side of Air Sailing where there was no chance of lift, but it was east of Air Sailing and below the one percent altitude.
A glide to the Dogskins west of Air Sailing brought the possibility of lift, but it wasn’t a certain thing. Using ridge lift and blundering into a thermal once in a while finally got me high enough to get up on the north end of the Dogskins in great lift in the blue. From there I flew west, working one thermal but heading for the high country around Frenchman’s Reservoir and clouds.
There I got up near the clouds and DRV was climbing up under me in his DG-800. I continued west under beautiful lift clouds, reaching final glide for Williams near Lake Davis with 102 statute miles to go.
This is the normal location for lift to die, but today it continued to the west. Yes, I’ve made many attempts to get to Williams after PK dropped in to claim the egg, so I know the first half of the route very well.
Southeast of Quincy (I’m not looking at the IGC file) I got up to 17,000 feet and as I headed towards Williams I was able to get 4,000 feet above glide path at MacCready 2.0. The sky was great.
The clouds came to an end. It was a long final glide and the wind turned against me east of Oroville, eating into the glide path cushion until I was only 2,600 feet above glide path as I passed north of Sutter Buttes. I had the 16.6 tips with winglets on the Ventus b. I wished for 18m, LOLÂ The 2,600 foot cushion above pattern altitude held and I arrived overhead Williams with 3,500 feet agl.
It was fun when Oakland Center requested my aircraft make and model. He gave up after asking me to repeat it a couple of times.