December 6, 2022
Greetings all,
It is that time once again, a letter from the president. Sorry it has taken so long to communicate between emails. Apparently I suffer from procrastination and perfectionism. Every time I thought about sending out an NSA update, I spent too much time crafting in my mind all the things I wanted to write and how to compose it like a massive symphony that would leave you with fantastic emotion, bring tears of joy to your heart and leave you at the edge of your seat wanting more. I intend to stop procrastinating tomorrow.
Keeping it short and sweet.
NSA is still in full swing. The usual suspects are out there almost every weekend making it happen. Our most active members have been Erika Gillette, Gene Benson, Charlie Thaeler, Jeremiah Siefert, Ciprian Pop, Gerry Gallop, Katie Wiesman and Pete Casti.
I had the pleasure of talking with our long time member, Fred Fricke, last Saturday night. He was around, back in the day, when Vern Fry put NSA back together and Fred flew at Airsailing all the time. This reminded me of the long lineage of great people that are attached to Airsailing. Even when people have not flown with us in years they still think of us and all the good times that have happened there. What can I say? Air sailing is “Magic” and NSA is one of the conduits to keep the ASI membership growing. Oftentimes I think of our members of the past with fond memories. I miss them all.
I am proud to announce that Jeremiah Siefert has achieved his Sailplane rating add on. He experienced his first wave flight over Airsialing! See attached pictures. I was on an outing with Jeremiah the next day and I could see that he was still glowing from the experience. I do believe that boy is hooked. I look forward to doing some wave soaring with Jeremiah soon.
Our beloved Stoney has stepped back from instructing. I can’t say just how much we miss him. I am asking here in front of everyone that Stoney start to come back out to the airfield to fly, say hi and socialize. We all miss you Stoney!
I know many of you have heard me idolize Chukar for all that he did for NSA and the role model he became for me to model my life after. Stoney is on the same level as Chukar for me. Stoney was my sailplane instructor and soaring spirit guide. He has done the same for many of you and I can not stand the thought of him silently slipping away from our group. Please come back!
Exciting news. Charlie Thaeler has his Flight Instructor check ride scheduled for December 31, 2022. I got a picture of the two of us with the 2-32. If you have not met Charlie (Soaring Emu) I encourage you to come out and meet him. Once again airsailing has attracted an awesome flying spirit. He is going to help me train pilots and keep this beast of a club on the rails. Charlie, we are truly blessed to have you join us. I look forward to working with you for years to come.
I also attached a little snap shot during some ground school with Katie Wiesman. See, we are out there making it happen!
We have more students and pilots interested in joining NSA next spring. We are going to make this happen and grow the club again. We also plan on more food gatherings like we used to do. I got my Speed Astir all ready to fly. Watch the OLC this year. NSA is going to start posting awesome flights once again! Emu, CP, Jeremiah and whoever else that will come out and fly is going to put NSA back on the map.
When the weather returns, please start coming out again. Emu and I will get you recurrent, just schedule some time with us. You can see when people are flying through the airsaling operations calendar. I know it gets updated at the last minute but at least you can catch a glimpse of what is going on.
That is all I have for now.
Fly safe,
President Nevada Soaring Association
Chief instructor